Ozone in Medicine: Overview and Future Directions
Gerard Sunnen, M.D.
First published in the Journal of Advancement in Medicine
Fall 1988; Volume 1, Number 3, pp. 159-174
Revised 2005
Ozone, a naturally occurring configuration of three oxygen atoms
best known for its protective role in the earth's ecological
harmony, possesses unique properties which are being defined
and applied to biological systems as well as to clinical practice.
As a molecule containing a large excess of energy, ozone manifests
bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal actions that may make
it a treatment of choice in certain conditions and an adjunctive
treatment in others.
As early as the First World War, ozone's bactericidal properties
were recruited to treat infected wounds, mustard gas burns and
fistulas. These first treatment attempts, however, were hampered
by technological difficulties. Medical ozone generators have
since joined 21st century technology in their capacity to consistently
deliver the purest ozone/oxygen mixtures in precise dosages.
A critical advance in ozone technology was the development in
the 60's of inert materials able to withstand ozone's oxidative
challenges thus insuring proper interfacing with patients. In
the last few years, ozone treatment has seen growing interest
from diverse medical disciplines and research is in progress
to shed light on defining its clinical applications.
Historical Perspectives
The history of ozone's discovery is closely entwined in the evolution
of the earliest concepts in chemistry. Priestly and Cavendish
noted that electrical sparks fired in a closed volume of air
resulted in volume compression (Ihde 1964, Partington 1962).
In 1785, Martinus Van Marum, subjecting oxygen to electrical
discharges, noted "the odor of electrical matter" and
the accelerated oxidation of mercury. In 1840, Schonbein repeating
these experiments concluded that this odor was due to a gas that
he named ozone, from the Greek ozein (odorant), and described
several of its properties (Schonbein 1868). Many researchers
since that time have worked to distill the nature and actions
of ozone. Still today, theoretical issues remain regarding its
electron dynamics, the varieties of its hybrid forms, and its
kinetics. Mariniak and Delarive showed that it is an allotropic
form of oxygen, and Mulliken and Dewar clarified its molecular
architecture (Razumovskii 1984).
Early in its history ozone was found to oxidize a spectrum of
organic compounds and to interact with unsaturated chemical bonds.
Chemists made use of these properties to study complex molecules
by cleaving them into smaller fragments. Harries, by such methods,
discovered the structure of natural rubber (Razumovskii 1984).
The ability of ozone to destroy toxic or noxious industrial impurities
and to inactivate bacterial contaminants in effluents has made
it an attractive alternative to chlorination. Wiesbaden in Germany,
and Nice in France became the first cities to use ozonation for
the purification of their drinking waters (1901), followed by Zurich,
Florence, Brussels, Marseille, Singapore and Moscow. Today, there
are over 350 municipal water works using ozone as the primary disinfectant
in the United States alone, and at least 3000 worldwide.
The history of ozone's medical applications has nebulous and anecdotal
beginnings. Kleinmann is said to have carried out the first bacteriological
studies on pathogenic organisms using the Siemens tube shortly
after its invention (Rilling 1987). Payr, and Fisch and Wolff (Wolff
1979) were clinician pioneers, and J. Hansler developed one of
the first reliable medical ozone generators (Rilling 1987, Hansler
Physico-Chemical and Biochemical Properties
The oxygen atom exists in nature in several forms: (1) As a free
atomic particle, singlet oxygen (O) is highly reactive. It combines
with water to form hydrogen peroxide and with hydrogen to form
the hydroxyl radical (2) Oxygen (O2), its most common and stable
form, is colorless as a gas and pale blue as a liquid (3) Ozone
(O3) has a molecular weight of 48 and a density one and a half
times that of oxygen. Its molecule contains a large excess of
energy (O3 j 3/2 O2 + 143 KJ/mole). With a bond angle of 127°± 3° resonating
among several hybrid forms, it is distinctly blue as a gas and
dark blue as a solid (4) O4 is a highly unstable, rare, nonmagnetic
pale blue gas that readily breaks down into two molecules of
Ozone is a powerful oxidant, surpassed in this regard only by
fluorine. Shonbein, in 1855, discovered that it reacts with ethelene.
Exposing ozone to organic molecules containing double or triple
chemical bonds yields many complex and as yet incompletely configured
ephemeral transitional compounds (e.g., zwitterions, molozonides,
cyclic ozonides), which may be hydrolyzed, oxidized, reduced or
thermally decomposed to a variety of substances, chiefly aldehydes,
ketones, acids and alcohols. Ozone reacts with saturated and unsaturated
hydrocarbons, amines, sulfhydryl groups and aromatic compounds.
Oxidized by ozone's chemical action are phenols, tetrahydryl
lead, oils, soaps, chlorinated alkanes and alkenes, tetrachloroethelene,
pesticides, cyanide, iron, manganese, and taste and odor compounds.
These pan-oxidizing properties make ozone a superior purifying
agent for potable and bathing waters.
Of importance to biological systems is ozone's interaction with
tissue (especially blood) constituents. The most studied is lipid
peroxidation although interactions occur with carbohydrates, proteins,
and glycoproteins. These dynamics are especially relevant for medical
applications because some of the most practiced methods in ozone
therapy involve exposing ozone to blood.
Since there is a rich variety of lipid components in whole blood,
it is of more than theoretical interest to determine the end products
of ozone oxidation and the effects they may have on physiological
systems and on pathogenic organisms. Cholesterol accounts for 140
to 220 mg/100 ml, of which 60% to 75% are cholesterol esters. Phospholipids
account for 9 to 16 mg/100 ml; triglycerides 40 to 150 mg/100 ml,
and free fatty acids 6 to 16 mg/100 ml. Given a total lipid concentration
of 450 to 1000 mg/100 ml of blood and the large variety of lipid
constituents, the possible end products of ozonation are bountiful
(Smith 1987).
Furthermore, blood, in all its complexity, is equipped with systems
for buffering lipid peroxidation, including vitamin E, uric acid,
and enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione
(Meadows 1986, Menzel 1984).
Metabolic and Physiological Effects of Ozone
Most research on ozone's biological effects has concentrated on
pulmonary responses with emphasis on its toxicity. Interest has
been keen on ozone's role in ground level atmospheric pollution.
Produced as a result of interactions between industrial gases,
ozone and ultraviolet rays, ground level pollution can intensify
significantly. The respiratory effects of pure ozone, however,
need to be differentiated from those of smog.
The majority of studies performed on animals show substantial
interspecies variability in response to inhaled ozone. Due to differences
in pulmonary anatomy and physiology, extrapolation to human is
problematic. Mice (Mittler 1957) seem to be the most sensitive
and birds such as turkeys, the least (Clamann 1960). While overdose
is marked by pulmonary edema and hemorrhage, long- term low-level
exposure yields contradictory findings. Reported effects include
enhanced enzyme activity, as shown by markers of increased in glucose
utilization (e.g., lactate, carbon dioxide formation, and elevated
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), pointing to ozone enhancement
of metabolizing enzymes (Basset 1986).
Humans exposed to ambient ozone (0.24 ppm in room air for two
hours) typically develop mildly accelerated breathing with tracheal
and laryngeal irritation and chest tightness. Large intersubject
response differences are notable (McDonnell 1985). The threshold
for significant changes in respiratory compromise ranges from 0.15
ppm to 0.25 ppm (Kulle 1985, Hackney 1977), increasing ozone concentrations
yielding corresponding airway hyper-responsiveness and bronchoconstriction.
Histological findings points to ciliated cell inhibition and type
2 cell proliferation, increased membrane permeability and variable
inflammatory response (Menzel 1984). Reported biochemical alterations
include increased oxygen consumption and glucose utilization, activation
of NADPH, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, reductase, and glutathione
peroxidase (Melton 1982). Pulmonary effects from ozone in low doses
include metabolic activation of lung cells while higher doses produce
metabolic compromise. The phenomenon of ozone tolerance or adaptation
occurs in both humans and animals (Hackney 1977).
It is clear from the foregoing, that inhaled ozone has both local
and systemic repercussions. For this reason, in the methodology
of ozone therapy, care is given to avoid the escape of ozone into
the treatment area. Contemporary medical ozone generators are equipped
to catalytically convert ozone to oxygen after it is administered.
Interestingly, some studies point to possible beneficial effects
of very low dose ambient ozone in certain pulmonary infections
(Dyas 1983, Wolcott 1982).
Research of ozone's effects on red blood cells indicate
that at ozone dosage commonly employed in hemotherapy (30 µg/ml),
all erythrocyte enzymes and their intermediates remained intact
(e.g., hexokinase, aldolase, pyruvate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase,
adelynate kinase, glutathione S-transferase, among many others),
(Zimran 1999).
According to other researchers (Rokitansky 1982, Washutll 1979,
Viebahn 1994), the direct intravascular injection of pure oxygen-ozone
mixtures results in the following responses: (1) An activation
of enzymes involved in oxygen radical scavenging (e.g., glutathione,
catalase, superoxide dismutase) inducing (2) an acceleration of
glycolysis in erythrocytes, resulting in (3) the stimulation of
the 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate cycle. The oxyhemoglobin dissociation
curve shift releases oxygen to the tissues. Further physiological
effects include (4) an enhanced oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate
with the formation of Acetyl-CoA with consequent citric acid cycle
activation (5) a direct influence on the mitochondrial transport
system with reduction of NADH and oxidation of cytochromes, and
(6) an increase in RBC pliability, blood fluidity, and arterial
oxygen saturation.
Medical Ozone Manufacture and Precautions
The production of ozone-oxygen mixtures for human and veterinary
applications is subject to important technical consideration
and standards. Clinical ozone generators regulate and monitor
the flow of medical grade oxygen through high voltage fields.
Incorporated ozone analyzers are capable of guaranteeing precise
ozone-oxygen mixtures accurate to within a few micrograms per
milliliter. The purity of the oxygen source is emphasized since
nitrogen, in the presence of high-energy fields, forms toxic
nitric oxides.
Since the half-life of ozone is approximately 45 minutes at 20°C,
losing its concentration to 16% of its initial value in two hours,
it must be freshly generated for immediate use at the treatment
site. The maximum ozone dose generated is always well below its
explosive limit (15 to 20%).
Clinical Indications for External Ozone Gas Application
Historically, medical ozone was first administered by external
application to body extremities. A. Wolff in 1915 is credited
for using local ozone treatments for infected wounds, decubitus
ulcers, and osteomyelitis. Early materials, like rubber, designed
to trap ozone around a body part were subject to rapid oxidative
destruction. Today, special materials (e.g., Teflon, polyethelene,
silicones) allow extremities to be safely encased in a space
where a prescribed precise dosage of ozone/oxygen ratio can be
Indication for external ozone applications include infected wounds,
poorly healing wounds, diabetic and decubitus skin ulcers, burns,
fungal lesions, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, lymphedema, frostbite,
radiodermatitis, and gangrene (Viehban 1999, Held 1983, Werkmeister
1985, Sunnen 1988). Ozone concentrations are adapted to the changing
clinical condition under treatment. External gas perfusions may
last from 5 to 60 minutes, with ozone concentrations varying from
0.5% to 5%. High ozone concentrations are used for disinfection
and debridement while low concentrations promote epithelialization
and resolution (Werkmeister 1985).
Contraindications to ozone treatment are few. They include acute
alcohol intoxication, recent myocardial infarction, hemorrhage
from any organ, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, thrombocytopenia, and
ozone allergy (Rilling 1987).
Autohemotherapy (AHT)
Whereas it can be readily understood that external ozone applications
produce local effects such as disinfection, wound healing, or
local circulatory enhancement due to ozone's vasodilatory
properties, the technique of introducing ozone into the circulation
poses more complex issues. In the technique of autohemotherapy,
50 to 250 ml of blood are drawn, mixed with a prescribed dose
of ozone-oxygen and then returned to the patient. Once returned,
the ozonated blood is rapidly distributed to all tissues. Clinically,
some patients upon receiving their own ozonated blood report
a distant background taste of ozone, which may be an indication
of its survivability in solution for at least a few seconds.
In hemotherapy, ozone is administered to increase the oxygenation
and the red cell fluidity in the treated blood aliquot, and for
eliminating the pathogens it may contain. In addition, beneficial
systemic immunological and antiviral actions are reported (Vogelsberger
1983; Viebahn 1999; Bocci 2005).
Autohemotherapy has been applied to the treatment of several conditions,
including acute and chronic viral infections, some carcinomas,
and circulatory disturbances such as diabetes and arteriosclerosis.
Ozone-enhanced remineralization of bone has been reported (Riva-Sanseverino
1987). Of interest are the testimonies of some patients, who after
receiving this treatment, experience feelings of well-being lasting
for a few minutes to several hours. Whether this represents a placebo
effect, a metabolic alteration, or possibly a neuro-psychiatric
mechanism remains to be determined.
Extracorporeal Ozone Therapy
Another, more experimental and more comprehensive technique of
ozone administration makes use of the extracorporeal treatment
of the entire blood volume using a hollow-fibre oxygenator-ozonizer
(Di Paolo 2000; Bocci 2002). All blood and lymphatic fluids are
thus interfaced with ozone/oxygen mixtures in this promising
Extracorporeal ozone therapy is ideally suited for the administration
of low and very low ozone dosages over prolonged periods of time.
This methodology may be best suited for the management of acute
viral infections when explosive viremia threatens life, as in avian
influenza; or in chronic viral afflictions (e.g., hepatitis C,
HIV) during periods of viral recrudescence. Research is needed
to determine proper indications and treatment protocols for this
innovative ozone methodology.
Direct Intra-arterial and Intravenous Administration
Lacoste first used this method in 1951 for circulatory compromise
and possible sequelae such as gangrene. In this technique, up
to 10 ml of pure oxygen/ozone is slowly injected directly into
an artery or into a vein. Administered properly – and this
cannot be overemphasized - embolization does not occur since
both gases, unlike nitrogen, are readily soluble in blood. Indications
include intermittent claudication, leg ulcers, and incipient
gangrene (Rokitansky 1982).
Ozone Insufflation
Payr in 1935 and Aubourg in 1936 first used ozone-oxygen mixtures
in rectal insufflation to treat ulcerative colitis and fistulae.
The list of indications has expanded to include proctitis and hemorrhoids.
It is reported that in inflammatory diseases of the bowel ozone
promotes healing and restores the floral balance disturbed by pathogenic
organisms. In a typical treatment for ulcerative colitis, daily
insufflations are applied. High initial ozone concentrations achieve
hemostasis. Subsequently, low ozone concentrations promote resolution
(Viebahn 1994). This technique may have some promise in the treatment
of bowel infections associated with AIDS. Microsporidia, tiny intestinal
parasites may contribute to AIDS wasting illness, and studies are
needed to ascertain the benefits of ozone intervention.
Ozonated Water
Ozone is approximately ten times more soluble in water than oxygen.
Mixed into aqua bidestillata (pyrogen free) water, at pH 7 and
20°C the half-life of ozone is approximately ten hours; and at
0°C, it is doubled. Ozonated water finds applications in dental
surgery where it is reported to promote hemostasis, enhance local
oxygen supply and inhibit bacterial proliferation. Applied following
tooth extraction or during dental surgery it may also be rinsed
in conditions such as thrush and periodontal disease, and swallowed
to soothe gastritis (Turk 1985). Ozonated water may be irrigated
in chronic intestinal or bladder inflammation.
Ozone Ointments
Ozonated olive oil provides long term, low dose exposure of ozone
and lipid peroxides to tissues. Diabetic ulcers, decubitus ulcers,
and mycoses are indications for its use [Schulz 1982, Washuttl
Ozonated water infused into warm baths provides stimulation of
local circulation and disinfectant action to varicosities. Eczema,
skin ulcers, and peripheral circulatory disorders are reported
to benefit from ozone balneotherapy (Viebahn 1994).
Blood Purification
Several authors have investigated ozone for sterilizing blood supplies
(Wolff 1979, Wehrli 1957). The treatment of 500 ml of whole blood
with 100ml of O3/O2 mixture (40 to 50 ug/ml) is reported to render
it virus-free without injuring any cellular elements. One study
examined 10,000 samples and found no cases of hepatitis transmission
(Wehrli 1957). Whether ozone treatment of whole blood could assist
in its purification is controversial. While possibly efficacious
in neutralizing viral particles suspended in plasma, it is doubtful
that retroviruses, once ensconced in the genetic material of
blood cells, can be cleared by this method (Chun 1999).
Mechanisms of ozone's bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal action
Bacteria. Exposed to ozone, bacterial species fare poorly, a fact
appreciated since the 19th century. Ozone is a strong germicide
needing only a few micrograms per liter for measurable action.
At a concentration of 1 mg/L H2O at 1°C, ozone rapidly inactivates
coliform bacteria, staphylococcus aureus, and Aeromonas hydrophilia
(Lohr 1984).
The cell envelopes of bacteria are composed of intricate multilayers.
Covering the bacterial cytoplasm to form the innermost layer of
the envelope is the cytoplasmic membrane, made of phospholipids
and proteins. Next, a polymeric layer built with giant peptidoglycan
molecules provides bacteria with a stable architecture. In Gram-positive
organisms, the pepticoglycan shell is thick and rigid. By contrast,
Gram-negative bacteria possess a thin pepticoglycan lamella on
which is superimposed an outer membrane made of lipoproteins and
lipopolysaccharides. In acid-fast bacteria, such as Mycobacterium,
up to one half of the capsule is formed of complex lipids and glycolipids.
The high lipid content of the cell membranes of these ubiquitous
bacteria may explain their sensitivity, and eventual demise, subsequent
to ozone exposure.
The outermost bacterial layer is the polysaccharide capsule. In
many bacterial species, the capsule, by way of its stickiness,
enables adherence to host tissues. The capacity of Streptococcus
mutans to accrete to tooth enamel, for example, is due to its capsular
The most cited explanation for ozone's bactericidal effects centers
on disruption of cell membrane integrity through oxidation of its
phospholipids and lipoproteins. There is evidence for interaction
with proteins as well (Mudd 1969). In one study exploring the effect
of ozone on E. coli, evidence was also found for ozone's penetration
through the cell membrane, reacting with cytoplasmic contents,
and converting the closed circular plasmid DNA to open DNA, which
would presumably diminish the efficiency of bacterial procreation
(Ishizaki 1987). Capsular polysaccharides may be possible sites
for ozone action. It is notable that higher organisms have enzymatic
mechanisms to restabilize disrupted DNA and RNA, which could provide
a partial explanation for why, in clinical treatment using ozone
at doses prescribed, ozone appears to be toxic to pathogens and
not to the patient [Cech 1986].
Viruses. Viruses are parasites at the genetic level, separated
into families based on their structures, types of nucleic genome
and modes of replication.
Recently, there has been renewed interest in the potential of
ozone for viral inactivation in vivo. It has long been established
that ozone neutralizes viruses in aqueous media and it stands to
reason that it would be studied for similar applications in living
systems. In vivo ozone applications, however, present far greater
challenges. Indeed, the technology of medical ozone administration
aims to respect the delicate balance of patient safety on one hand
and antimicrobial efficacy on the other.
All viruses are susceptible to ozone's neutralizing action.
Viruses, however, differ in their relative susceptibility to destruction
by ozone. In one study, poliovirus resistance was 40 times that
of coxsackievirus. Relative susceptibility in ascending order was
found to be: poliovirus type 2, echovirus type 1, poliovirus type
1, coxsackievirus type B5, echovirus type 5, and coxsackievirus
type A9. In pure water, at maximal solubility of ozone and room
temperature, echovirus type 29 is inactivated in one minute, poliovirus
type 1 in two, type 3 in three, and type 2 in seven minutes (Roy
1982). Analysis of viral components showed damage to polypeptide
chains and envelope proteins, which could result in attachment
capability compromise, and breakage of the singleanded RNA
producing replicating dysfunction. Other researchers, in similar
experiments, concluded that in ozonation, it is the viral capsid
that sustains damage (Riesser 1977). Viruses, unlike mammalian
cells, have no enzymatic protection against oxidative stress.
Lipid-enveloped viruses are sensitive to treatment with ether,
organic solvents, and ozone, indicating that disruption or loss
of lipids results in impaired or destroyed infectivity. Viruses
containing lipid envelopes include the Hepadnaviridae (Hepatitis
B), the Flaviviridae (hepatitis C, West Nile virus, yellow fever);
the Herpesviridae, a large family grouping the Simplex, Varicella-Zoster,
Cytomegalovirus, and Epstein-Barr viruses; the Orthomyxoviridae (avian influenza); the Paramyxoviridae (mumps, measles); the Coronaviridae (SARS); the Rhabdoviridae (rabies); the Togaviridae (Rubella, encephalitis);
the Bunyaviridae (Hantavirus); the Poxviridae (smallpox); and the
Retroviridae (HIV), among others. Indeed, once the virion’s
lipid envelope becomes fragmented, its DNA or RNA core cannot survive.
The enveloped viruses, adapted to the delicate homeostatic milieu
of their hosts are usually more sensitive to all physico-chemical
challenges than are naked virions. This has been shown for ozone
(Bolton 1982). Although ozone's effects upon unsaturated lipids
are one of its best documented biochemical action, ozone is known
to interact with other viral constituents. This becomes relevant
when ozone inactivation of non-enveloped virions is considered.
Viruses that do not have an envelope are called "naked viruses."
They are constituted of a nucleic acid core made of DNA or RNA,
and a nucleic acid coat, or capsid, made of protein. Some non-enveloped
viruses include: Adenoviridae (respiratory infections), Picornaviridae (poliovirus, coxsackie, echovirus, rhinovirus, hepatitis A), Caliciviridae
(hepatitis E, Norwalk gastroenteritis), and Papillomaviridae (Molluscum
contagiosum). Ozone can interact with viral proteins, their constituent
amino acids and lipopolysaccharides. Indeed, when ozone comes in
contact with viral capsid proteins, protein hydroxides and protein
hydroperoxides are formed and viral demise ensues.
In summary, ozone's antiviral action in blood may recruit
the following mechanisms:
1. The denaturation of virions through direct contact with ozone.
Ozone, via this mechanism, disrupts viral envelope lipids, phospholipids
and lipoproteins. The presence of numerous chemical double bonds
in these unsaturated molecules makes them vulnerable to the oxidizing
effects of ozone, which readily donates its oxygen atom and accepts
electrons in redox reactions. Broken bonds are thus reconfigured,
molecular architecture becomes disrupted, and breakage of the viral
envelope ensues. Deprived of an envelope, virions cannot sustain
nor replicate themselves.
2. Ozone proper may directly alter structures on the viral envelope
that are necessary for attachment to host cells. Peplomers, the
viral glycoproteins protuberances that connect to host cell receptors
are likely sites of ozone action. Alteration in peplomer integrity
impairs attachment to host cellular membranes foiling viral attachment
and penetration.
3. Introduction of ozone into the serum portion of whole blood
induces the formation of lipid and protein peroxides. While these
peroxides are not toxic to the host in quantities produced by ozone
therapy, they nevertheless possess oxidizing properties of their
own which persist in the bloodstream for several hours. Peroxides
created by ozone administration may serve to further reduce viral
4. Immunological effects of ozone have been documented. Cytokines
are proteins manufactured by several different types of cells that
regulate the functions of other cells. Mostly released by leucocytes,
they are important in mobilizing immune response. Ozone induces
the release of cytokines that in turn activate a spectrum of immune
cells. Ozone is reported to be an immuno-stimulant in low doses
and immuno-inhibitory at higher levels (Werkmeister 1985, Varro
1974, Zabel 1960). Additionally, ozone functions as a signaling
agent by stimulating production of nuclear factor kappa B, interleukin
6, and tumor necrosis factor æ Ozone’s capacity for
cytokine activation has been amply documented (Bocci 2005).
5. Ozone actions on viral particles in infected blood yield several
possible outcomes. One outcome is the modification of virions so
that they remain structurally intact yet sufficiently dysfunctional
as to be nonpathogenic. This attenuation of viral particle functionality
through slight modifications of the viral envelope, and possibly
the viral genome itself, modifies pathogenicity and allows the
host to increase the sophistication of its immune response. The
creation of dysfunctional viruses by ozone offers unique therapeutic
possibilities. In view of the fact that so many mutational variants
exist in any one afflicted individual, the creation of an antigenic
spectrum of crippled virions could provide for a unique host-specific
stimulation of the immune system, thus designing what may be called
a host-specific autovaccine.
6. An exciting avenue of research suggests that the virucidal
properties of antibodies are predicated upon their ability to catalyse
highly active forms of oxygen including ozone (Marx 2002; Wentworth
2002). In this model, activated neutrophils provided with appropriate
starting materials are capable of generating singlet oxygen, a
most powerful oxidant. The singlet oxygen combines with oxygen
to form ozone, itself an oxidant, whose electron-extracting capacity
is only second to fluorine. It can also combine with water to form
the hydroxyl radical (OH) and hydrogen peroxide. Endogenously created
ozone thus becomes a fundamental immunological agent for viral
Exogenously administered ozone may, based on this model, amplify
the efficacy of antigen-antibody dynamics.
Fungi. Ozone possesses fungicidal effects, through poorly understood
mechanisms. In one study, Candida utilis cell growth inhibition
with ozone was greatly dependent on phases of their growth, budding
cells exhibiting the most sensitivity to its presence (Matus 1981).
In another study, low doses of ozone stimulated the growth and
development of Monilia fructagen and Phytophtora infestans, while
higher doses were inhibitory (Matus 1952).
Ozone Treatment in Cancer
The logic sustaining the use of oxygen-ozone application to the
treatment of carcinomas rests on the strategy of capitalizing
on the disturbed metabolism of cancer cells.
Warburg in 1925 proposed that tumors have higher rates of glycolysis
under aerobic conditions than do nontumor cells. Since then, efforts
have been made to test his hypothesis by determining the oxidative
conditions which could best enhance cancer treatment strategy.
Although his statement has subsequently been amended considerably,
there is an evolving body of research centering on the biochemical
differences between normal and malignant cells (De Vita 1985, Bocci
Some tumors have high rates of glucose use and lactic acid production
in the presence of oxygen, a reflection of a number of possible
mechanisms including membrane transport alteration and variations
in ATP regulation. Some cancer cell mitochondrial ribosomes have
altered structures and function that could diminish their energy
producing abilities and compromise their aerobic tolerance (De
Vita 1985).
Some authors report a peroxide intolerance in tumor cells. Possessing
insufficient catalase and peroxidase enzymes, some cancer cells
have difficulty processing peroxides. Exposed to ozone, these cells
are said to show a significant decrease in lactate content, indicating
that ozone may induce metabolic inhibition in some carcinomas (Rilling
1987, Varro 1974).
In one landmark study, cultured cells of different carcinoma types
were compared with non-cancerous human lung fibroblasts on exposure
to ozonated air (0.3, 0.5, and 0.8 ppm of ozone for 8 days). Alveolar
adenocarcinoma, breast adenocarcinoma, uterine carcinosarcoma and
endometrial carcinoma showed a 40% cell growth inhibition at 0.3
ppm of ozone and 60% at 0.5 ppm. The non-cancerous lung cells were
unaffected at these levels. At 0.8 ppm ozone exposure, cancer cell
growth inhibition was 90%. Interestingly, it was at this level
that the control cell group started to manifest anabolic slowdown.
The authors postulate that cancer cells are less able to compensate
for the oxidative challenge of ozone than normal cells, possibly
by way of reduced functionality of the glutathione system (Sweet
There are many clinical and anecdotal reports but a paucity of
controlled data of ozone hemotherapy applied to the treatment of
various carcinomatous conditions (Wolff 1977, Lacoste 1951, Zabel
1960, Wenzel 1983). Several researchers have focused their efforts
on using ozone as an adjunct to radiation and chemotherapy (Tietz
Summary and Future Directions
Ozone, an allotropic form of oxygen, possesses unique properties
that are being defined and applied to biological systems as well
as to clinical practice. As a molecule containing a large excess
of energy, it embodies bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal
action that may make it a treatment of choice in certain conditions
and an adjunct to treatment in others.
Although ozone's medicinal effects were discovered in the 19th
century and clinically applied during World War One, technologies
capable of purity and precision delivery of oxygen-ozone mixtures
were not available until the 1960's. Since then, experience
has accumulated for the administration of ozone to humans and animals
via a variety of routes, in doses that are both safe and relevant
to clinical problems, externally in gaseous form and systemically
in the process of blood ozonation
A review of a body of literature is presented which describes
a spectrum of ozone's therapeutic indications. Of these,
ozone application for external infections is clearly established.
These include infected wounds, diabetic ulcers, and burns.
Ozone can be safely administered in techniques of blood ozonation.
Ozone hemotherapy is the serial ozonation of blood aliquots. Extracorporeal
ozone therapy treats the entire blood and lymphatic systems.
The principal indication for blood ozonation is for the treatment
of viral infections. Lipid-enveloped viral organisms are the most
susceptible to ozone's oxidative action. This group of viruses
is responsible for some of the most challenging diseases facing
the world's population.
Possible mechanisms for ozone's antiviral properties are
described implicating physico-chemical and immune dynamics. The
recent discovery that ozone is produced in vivo as a fundamental
immunological defense against pathogenic organisms opens exciting
conceptual and research directions for the clinical use of ozone
in medicine.
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